Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here's a picture of our new house we moved to back in March. We live at the end of a road with no neighbors on either side, and a farm behind, so it's a pretty quiet little place we have; except for the horses from the farm that neigh in the middle of the night - at least that's what Emilee says makes all those noises. I think it's her trying to cover up her snoring.
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Laura said...

Speaking of white trash...what's up with the trampoline in the front yard??? Seriously, it's a gorgeous home. Can't wait to see it.

Jaqui said...

Wow! Can you believe it's been eight years? I'm glad you found us. All hail the wonders of cyberspace! Look at all your cute boys...I see you are also specializing in one gender of children! Keep in touch, okay?